
Nick Ferrari

Appearance on LBC Radio: Nick Ferrari interviews me on inheritance tax

In a bid to shore up his right flank from the UKIP onslaught, David Cameron is once again suggesting the Tories could pledge to raise the inheritance tax threshold t the next election. It’ll be a popular measure for owners of the 3% of estates which actually pay the tax, but does it actually matter

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Appearance on RT News: Britain’s network of tax havens

The Tax Justice Network has released a report slamming Britain as the worst offender when it comes to financial secrecy thanks to its network of tax haven crown dependencies and overseas territories. I was back on RT News today responding to their report and calling on Britain to get its house in order.  

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Tax credits

Let’s stop subsidising big companies to exploit poor people

Austerity has extracted the last vestiges of “compassion” from conservatism, distilling what remains into policies so poisonously unfair they have led people unable to cope with the bedroom tax to suicide and self-harm, while thousands more are forced to choose between heating and eating. For those who want to see a market-driven economy with a

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VAT’s enough

My editorial from the April issue of International Tax Review. The annual circus of jibes, justifications and recriminations visited Britain again last month when Chancellor George Osborne unveiled his latest budget. Osborne faced a particularly rough ride this year, even with a tax agenda which has been broadly welcomed by British business. After all, with

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