We must win people over to a cleaner, greener country

Following protests just over the border in Ealing, I spoke to The i’s environment reporter Madeleine Cuff about the low traffic neighbourhoods and cycle lanes rapidly spreading across London and other parts of the country. I told her the speed with which they’re being implemented is like a war time footing and that’s exactly what we need to combat climate change and bring down air pollution, now more than ever with studies showing it is increasing COVID deaths.

However the author is absolutely right in her conclusion:”LTNs are designed to bring peace to city streets, but they have divided communities and created conflict. Local authorities now have to win over the sceptics. The UK’s cycling revolution may depend on it.”

This may take time, careful consultation, and a lot of listening to see where LTNs and cycleways are most effective and needed. But we have to win people over to a greener future, our planet and our health are at stake on.

You can read the full piece in The i here

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