The Duke of Northumberland, one of Britain’s richest people, is once again attempting to bulldoze Park Road Allotments in Isleworth to build flats. This would lead to the loss of Local Open Space, mature trees and a green wildlife haven in the heart of our community. And it would rob the community of a lifeline during COVID as allotments are vital to people’s mental and physical health especially when they don’t have access to gardens. With thousands of flats going up in the area and already an 800-long waiting list for allotments, we desperately need more allotment space, not less.
I and my fellow Isleworth councillors have objected to the planning application alongside Ruth Cadbury MP. We have joined allotment holders and residents in protests. And I have spearheaded a press campaign that has seen this local issue gain national attention in the BBC, Telegraph, The I, New Statesman, Evening Standard, My London, London Economic, the Chronicle, Estates Gazette, Hounslow Herald, and Brentford Nub News among other outlets.
These efforts, alongside those of allotment holders and the Isleworth Society, have seen around 800 objections to the plans versus only 10 letters of support.
I believe there are strong grounds for councillors on the Planning Committee to reject the Duke’s application and we stand shoulder to shoulder with our residents in urging councillors to do so.
While I want to see more affordable housing in the borough, I believe this site’s contribution will be minimal and that we should not build housing on a greenfield site and an Asset of Community Value that has been a treasured jewel for the people of Isleworth for over a century.
