Elected to Left Unity’s National Coordinating Group

Left UnityAfter an exciting, and at times tense, first national meeting of Left Unity, which brought together representatives from many of the local groups around the country, I was elected alongside nine others to serve on the National Coordinating Group with just over 61% of the vote.

Having spectacularly failed to be elected as head boy at school in a stinging defeat 10 years ago, it feels good to finally win an election. But the political is far more than the personal.

Over the years, I’ve watched from the fringes with my head in my hands as various attempts to unite the left, such as the Socialist Alliance and Respect, have been torn apart by sectarianism. Now I hope I will be able to bang a few heads together and scream, like Blackadder’s Baldrick decrying the futility of war, “why can’t we all get along?”

I look forward to helping Left Unity in any way I can as we build towards a founding conference, and I hope to be able to expand the organisation’s press coverage.

Full election results:

A total of 29 candidates stood and 99 Ballots were cast in the election for the new Left Unity NCC. Delegates were asked to pick a maximum of 10 candidates though not everyone listed 10. The first 10 are elected to the new committee.

1. Kate Hudson – 71 votes
2. Andrew Burgin – 69 votes
3. Bianca Todd – 62 votes
4. Salman Shaheen – 61 votes
5. Tom Walker – 54 votes
6. Merry Cross – 53 votes
7. Terry Conway – 49 votes
8. Felicity Dowling – 48 votes
9. Guy Harper – 41 votes
10. Chris Hurley – 36 votes

11. Katheryn Burdon-Manley – 35 votes
12. Micheline Mason & Iram Awan – 31 votes
14. Ally McGregor – 24 votes
15. Will McMahon – 23 votes
16. Rebecca Allan – 21 votes
17. Leander Jones & Sam Doherty – 20 votes
19. James Youd & Tina Becker – 19 votes
21. Don Quinn & Stephen – 17 votes
23. Liz Grey – 15 votes
24. Dave Isaacson – 13 votes
25. Dave Stockton – 11 votes
26. Carlos Hudson & Pete McLaren – 9 votes
28. Andy Higson – 8 votes
29. Roy Sandinson – 5 votes

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